Does Concealed Carry Make Campuses Safer?


Does allowing concealed carry of handguns on college campuses make them safer?

james-graysonJames Grayson
Security consultant

James Grayson is a security consultant. His career spans more than 40 years in law enforcement as a municipal police officer and as a state university police supervisor and administrator. He worked for UCLA on a workplace violence study involving hospitals, schools and small retail environments and consulted with NIOSH on a retail violence prevention study.Grayson’s diverse project experience includes schools, universities, hospitals, municipal buildings, high-rise structures and downtown revitalization projects. He holds a degree in criminal justice and a CPP security management credential from ASIS International. He is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer on a wide range of security topics.

john-lottJohn Lott, PhD
Crime Prevention Research Center

John R. Lott, PhD, is an economist and a world-recognized expert on guns and crime. He has held research or teaching positions at various academic institutions and was the chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission. He is currently a Fox News columnist. He holds a PhD in economics from UCLA. He has published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and written eight books, including More Guns, Less CrimeThe Bias Against Guns, and Freedomnomics. His most recent book is Dumbing Down the Courts: How Politics Keeps the Smartest Judges off the Bench.

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